Welcome to Strangers Club

Established in 2019; Strangers Club is a clothing company founded in Ohio.

We believe in clothing everyone through the art of quality garments.


The essence of this company resides in deeply valuing every humans’ sense of self expression. In the fast-pace age of technology, fashion often tells your story; your interests, lifestyle, and dreams. We embody this idea with every design of our carefully crafted products. Embracing the light within the darkness, Strangers Club.


Alijah A. Walker


A Letter from the CEO

Since the creation of Strangers Club, the world around us changed in numerous ways; my purpose has not.

I believe that inspiration is the greatest gift of mankind. I am driven to connect with the world through my art, praying I display righteous words and actions that encourages all people. This craft upholds my true passion for mental health; it constructs the bridge of enlightenment.

A journey carried by love, will continue in honor, to reveal the power of grace bestowed upon us all.

CEO, Strangers Club LLC.

Alijah Walker